Sunday, April 30, 2006

"More About My Boot"

Woo! I'm finally back from Japan! To celebrate, I've finally made my own MySpace! Sign up to be my friend!

Also, I've decided to reveal a bit more aboot meslef. I actually had several jobs. My current occupation is a security guard and musician, but I was a business dance instructor, where all these men in tuxedos pranced around glitterful suitcases, and I used to be a go-go dancer...Don't laugh...Okay, it might be a little funny...And I also run my own company! "Jerome Buttah's Sheep Herding Farm," where we herd all types of sheep at Uncle Buttah's farm. Then we take the wool off of them. I get lotsa hives and junk from them, though, because I am allergic to sheep wool...

Now you know...But the less you know...The better or worse? Yeah, it's probably better...

Saturday, April 29, 2006

"Pieces-Peaces-Pictures of Me"

Woo! It's great over here in Japan! I love paying $12.50 for a bag of cornflakes...Yeah, they only sell them in bags here...

Here are some pictures of me! Check them out!

Me taking my daily jog with my friends, Mario and Luigi.

I dunno...Some of the other people besides Mario and Luigi seem kinda weird to me...
That's my trip! Hopefully, I'll be back home soon...I miss the homemade spaghettis my mother used to make...Oh, Mutha Buttah, how I miss thee.
Piece out-Peace out-Picture out...

"O, Hark to the Weirdness!"

Hello again! It's me, Trans B.

My trip to Japan is going great. Some of the things here are really weird, though. Now, everyone knows that video games are huge in Japan. They sell out like hotcakes and pots of spaghetti. But little do ya know, that some of the video game characters are real. Some guy sold me this tape for a paperclip and a hug.

Amazing, huh? I wish I were there.

I must find Pac-Man...

I am now on a 24 hour Pac-Man watch...Do not disturb me...Unless you are Pac-Man!

I will post updates to my watch here...Until then...Be on the lookout for giant yellow men being chased by ghosts...TO THE LIBRARY!

Friday, April 28, 2006

"My Trip to Japan"

Heylo, everybody! I'm Doctah Buttah! Konichi wva! Hola! Buenos Dias! Guttentan! Guess where I am! I'm in Japan! That's right! I had to take a business trip...umm...for blogging...and being a security guard...anyone? Anyways, the enter button is not working for some strange reason, so I guess I'll have to keep on typing. There are lotsa kewl people here. I met this one guy, and he was selling fortune cookies. Another guy was selling calamari...What's calamari? Only American Idol Lunvahs will get that. I hate the show with all my life. In Japan, they might have Japan Idol, where all the people come and sing weird songs, like Barbie Girl and Dragostea Din Tei. I'll try to post some pictures on the internet soon. Till then, peace out from the Land of the Rising son!

Monday, April 24, 2006

"Hotness - Noun - What Trans Buttah is..."

Check that out. Gilbert Godfried was named the least hottest man ever.



I happen to think he is...umm...not the hottest person, but it shouldn't be him! It should be my arch nemesis - Evil Buttah...He is so unhot...

You want to know someone who is hot? Strongbad! And me...

Checkit out!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

"I Thankith Thee, Squire!!!"

Special thanks to Stan Stepanic of! After IP and IP being banned over and over again, I finally am allowed to post again! THANKS SO MUCH! I now limit my stupidness! Woohoo!

"Hooked on Trans Buttah"

I love this man!

He is the greatest man who ever lived, I hope. Chuck Norris is pretty cool, too, but he doesn't have any music videos that this world knows of.

This was David Hasselhoff's music video for "Hooked on a Feeling", and he sings it pretty well, but the video is kinda scary.

Buttah, out.

"Professor Ile"

I updated my profiel. Now I have a sketch of what I look like! See!? I even included the 3D glasses I am wearing right now. I also have a few things in the about section. One of the questions made me uncomfortable.

Know what character on TV I like? Kevin from the office. I feel he is just like me. I tried to impersonate him once. I got 90 M&Ms in my mouth, but then I choked and lost my pot of spaghetti. Oh, wait, there it is. Never mind.

Teletubby bye bye!

"Buyith They Chicken Tenderfloogans!"

Some of have probably said you saw the video with me on VH1. Well you are wrong! Most of the copies were destroyed during that giant tsunami wave. I think it was called the New Wave? Whatever.

Visit for some coolness.

I finally have it! The answer to the question why the chicken crossed the road! Here it is:

r = π * 400 * 600% - Σ / (600 * 600) + a * (mc * mc) / QRSTUV - WXY * Z

when a = LMNOP, r = "to get to the other side"

Pure genious!

"You Wonder Why A-Ha Doesn't Come to America Anymore?"

Here's something I bet ya'll didn't know! I was in the A-Ha video for "Take On Me", but they cut me out because they thought I ruined it. They gave me a copy of the original, though, so here are some screen captures of me in action!

Here I am as one of the bikers!

I am here, too, but you can hardly see me!

They didn't think that this part was funny...
Here I am running towards Mr. Etch-A-Sketch!
Running from some other bikers who stole my three-wheeler!
They said they could put up with the other things, but what I did here was too much. I erased Morten Harket!
Good times...good times. Oh, I miss the days when I was in music videos. I'll see if I can find any of the other tapes I have.
Till then, Balooga!

"I Can't Believe It's Not Trans Buttah!"

One time I auditioned for a spot in the band "Depeche Mode", but they didn't want to use my names. Here's a list of what we would have been like:

Band : Taco Mode
Members :
Jerome Buttah
Lady Marmalade
Dino Balogni
That Spaghettios Guy

I'm better off without them! I might release a new CD soon. I'll post some samples online soon, I hope. If I'm too lazy, then no.

I finally have a leak in my roof! Now I get free water! YAY!

What's your favorite type of butter? Besides Trans Buttah, I like Stick butter, Parkay, Margerine, and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. I just love to stick a spoon in them and just taste the butteryness! I also like to sometimes take those little butter packets and pop them in my mouth like mints when I needs a snack! No Double Mint Twins for me!

Til' latah, Vader!

(C)Trans Buttah

Saturday, April 22, 2006

"Yo Mama's Almost as Fat as Me!"

Yes, it's true. I am fatter than your mom. Don't laugh...Okay! Fine! Be that way!

One time, I got stuck in an elevator, and I couldn't get out!

And I used to play guitar! But now, I can't even see the frets! :-( I was the Hendrix of my day...Oh, and I still am here in Uzbekastanopia! You should come see me in concert! Not seeing the frets doesn't stop me from playing! I'll try to get some album art up soon...Stay tuned, dowg!

"It's Like Buttah!"

Let me tell you about what I ate today!

For breakfast, I had eight eggs, twelve containers of orange juice, twenty one strips of bacon, fourty eight hamsteaks, sixty two waffles, and eighty nine pancakes.

For lunch, I had sixty four cans of Spagghetios, ninety nine slices of pizza (a new record!), fourty four chicken tenders, and six hundred and twelve hamburgers. I wasn't too hungry today!

And finally, for dinner, I had five cows, seventy hams, eleven dishes of chicken parmigian, eight hundred french fries, a seventy ounce steak, a few people, a tablecloth, and the candles. I think I scared "The Villa del Italiano" out of my neighborhood! Sorry...

Mmm...I love food! Food is all I can think about!!! RAAHHH! Must eat you! Ouch! I hit my head on the screen!

Today, I went up to a cop, did the Forbidden Dance of Lambada, and ran away! He'll never know what hit him! Yes! I did it! I did the forbidden dance, and did not get arrested! Mwahaha! The earth is mine!

"Eatith thy Peach Cobbler, Madame Krupp!"

Today I took a walk over to my Uncle's house. He lives just around the corner, five miles away. I spent the day on his cow ranch. While we were watching the jolly Heffalumps eat their beef stew in the moonlight, we heard a retched cry! AHHHAAAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAH! It sounded like that! I looked over to Pretty Princess Hill, and saw a T-Rex! He had my friend Jazmire in his beak! I quickly grabbed the Tylenol and headed towards him. With toothpick in hand, I shoved my fist in his eye, and Chuck Norris did a round-house kick to the face. Oh, good times, good times!

You know, I love to attend different kinds of concerts! Here's one I found on the internet that I was at. You can hear me screaming "JY" in the audience! He rox.

Yeah. Till latah!

"Blogging 'Round the World Since 400 BC!"

Hello! My name is Trans Buttah. My real name is Jerome Timothy Buttah, but you can call me Buttah, if you want. You know, that sounds kinda stupid, so never mind. Just call me Trans Buttah. That's my name! Shut up...

Let me tell you a little bit aboot meslef! I currently reside in the country my family took over, Uzbekastanopia. For fun, I throw vegetables at people from my balcony, and I like to go on the Sega8Bit forum. They're such nice people there. I also have fun playing video games. If you're lucky, for all you anti-techno people out there, I'll post some pictures of them!

Teeheehee! Oh, hold on. Someone's at the door.

YAY PIZZA! I like pizza.

So, anyway, I'll be posting topics about various things here every time I get around to it, so keep looking!