Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"Hey Look! Sasquatch! Oh...Crud...AAH AAAAAAAAH!"

Hey guys. TransButtah just was at a photoshoot! Checkout the final result!

Or Go Here :

I gotta get a photo gallery up soon!

I'm so hot.

BIG NEWS! Uzbekastanopia, where I am president, has decided to change their name back to Buzdekastanopia! Don't you think it sounds cooler?

If you ever wonder why all my pictures are cartoons, it's becuase I have this thing called Animatosis, where I constantly change from real person to cartoon over and over again. When I do, the things around me change, too. :-( Poor me!

I've recently been going around RuneScape, bugging people to buy me a beer. If they do, they get on my "People Who Bought TransButtah an Alcoholic Drink" list. If they don't, it's me pretending to be a cow and following them for a long time.

So if you ever see me, buy me a beer!


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