Monday, May 01, 2006

"MySpace, Not Yours!"

Heh heh. I'm surprised! On the second day of my MySpace being up, I already have had a total of 5 friend requests! I only allowed 3, though. To all my MySpace homies out there, it is because something on your page scares me. "Friends" don't show me scary pictures, like of things, I dunno, of a breakdancing shark...Umm...Scratch that...That would be kewl...

Anyway, I want everyone to sign up to be my friend! Maybe I'll send you a foam finger!

I've also made some friend requests...They might be to...Umm...Chuck Norris, Mr. T, and Fred Marshall...

I tried the Count from Sesame Street, but it wouldn't let me sign up because I'm not a personal friend of the Count's.

Trans Buttah's song of whenever he feels like picking a new one:
"Danielle, Dottie, and Diane" by Secret Syde! WOOHOO! Checkit owt by going to my MySpace ( and selecting under friends, "Secret Syde". They have the song there.

Canst I receivith thou "Wootith Wootith"?


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