Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"Mine Name is TransButtah, Welcome to the TransButtah Show!"

Hey there, globs o' cows! I was wonderin' if any of you watch "Last Comic Standing"?! I know I do! That guy BuckStar is awexome! With all his fake weelchair shenanigans, and his BuckStar, Welcome to BuckStar show things. Anyway, I could not find a website for him, because I wanted to link to him.

Trans Buttah...
Trans Buttah...
Trans Buttah...

Trans Buttah...
Trans Buttah...

Monday, May 29, 2006

"Randy, Rando, Random, Randomness"

Here are just some random things I was thinkin'!
  1. Wouldn't it be cool if someone made a bird poo cannon? YES!
  2. Wouldn't it be cool if TransButtah in Miracle World was a real video game?
  3. Wouldn't it be cool if TransButtah could eat T-Shirts?
  4. Wouldn't it be uncool if TransButtah lost his superpowers?
  5. Wouldn't it be cool if TransButtah didn't have superpowers?
  6. Wouldn't it be cool if I dluoc klat sdrawkcab?
  7. Why isn't Captain Planet dead yet?
  8. In the episode of Family Guy where Peter Griffin loses all his bones, his chin still has shape...Why?
  9. Wouldn't it be cool if I grew wings?
  10. Wouldn't it be cool if you knew all the jobs I've had?
  11. Wouldn't it be cool if all the jobs I had were go-go dancer, bodyguard, sheep herder, and business dance manager?
  12. Wouldn't it be cool if there were more?
  13. Wouldn't it be cool if TransButtah were in one-a those iPod commercials?
  14. Wouldn't it be cool if I really did live near Stan Stepanic?
  15. Wouldn't it be cool if you posted a comment in response to this?
  16. Wouldn't it be cool if I could fit into my spandex?
  17. Wouldn't it be cool if my Sonic the Hedgehog boxers still fit?
  18. Wouldn't it be cool if I wore them anyway?
  19. Wouldn't it be cool if I was wearing them right now?
  20. Wouldn't it be cool if there was no number twenty?

Friday, May 26, 2006

"One Buttah, Two Buttah, Five?"

Hey homies! Just wanted to say that I've been playing my Sega Master System alot. Those guys over at the forum are awesome. They're jeniuoses when it comes to the SMS! I also submitted a review for "Alex Kidd in Shinobi World", and I hope it's up soon. I'm also working on a walkthrough.

A new band is Buttah's Favorite! Check it out on the navbar!

Or watch the video of them here!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

"! TransButtah hattuBsnarT !"

Hello, once more, dear friends. I found possibly the coolest song ever. Behold :

Oh, yes. Maybe even very yes. Gnarls Barkley da' man! Is (are) Gnarls Barkley a person or band? Hmm...

Anyway, I've decided to start a new section...


The "Buttah Band Bonanza" section! Here I will post my "Buttah Band" who currently reigns supreme on my playlist! This week...


Gnarls Barkley! Woohoo! Congratulations, Mr. Barkley!

You can find the link to the page on the right-hand sidebar! Check it out, and learn how to be a Buttah Favorite, yourself!

Woohoo! I'm in the mood for food!

Yay! Styx concert in 2 days! Can't wait. I'll try to get some pictures of me there on the blog soon. 22nd row, baby!!! Booyah! I'll probably get better pics than I did at that Vaudeville I went to. Oh, man. That thing was horrible. Everyone was in black and white!

Why, oh, why, you say, haven't I gone to an A-Ha concert? Why do you think? They cut me out of their video! You can see about 15 posts back...

I got a few more ideas for the Buttah Band recipients, but after about 3, I'll be out of ideas, so get your comments up!

Peas and cabbage!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"Hey Look! Sasquatch! Oh...Crud...AAH AAAAAAAAH!"

Hey guys. TransButtah just was at a photoshoot! Checkout the final result!

Or Go Here :

I gotta get a photo gallery up soon!

I'm so hot.

BIG NEWS! Uzbekastanopia, where I am president, has decided to change their name back to Buzdekastanopia! Don't you think it sounds cooler?

If you ever wonder why all my pictures are cartoons, it's becuase I have this thing called Animatosis, where I constantly change from real person to cartoon over and over again. When I do, the things around me change, too. :-( Poor me!

I've recently been going around RuneScape, bugging people to buy me a beer. If they do, they get on my "People Who Bought TransButtah an Alcoholic Drink" list. If they don't, it's me pretending to be a cow and following them for a long time.

So if you ever see me, buy me a beer!


Saturday, May 20, 2006

"Oopsies Scoopsies!"

Before I used my other host, which does not allow linking to the direct image, so here it is:

This is my RS Card...Pretty small version...The link has the big version...

Here is the direct link :

"Goodnight, Rune!"

Hey everyone! Great news! I took a wrong turn at Alberquerque and wound up in the world of RuneScape! ( Now I have my own RuneScape account! Check out these pics!

Here's me shouting my name in the middle of public. I love to do the jump-jig in RS! They blocked out part of my name, though. :-(

Here's my RS card, if you want to know a bit more about my character. And of course, he is wearing his gold ring and necklace which he saved up very hard for. And his crown.

Click Here!

So if you ever see "Jay Tim But", be sure to follow him, shout dance party, and GET DOWN!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Apparently some people think it's funny to spam my blog and say that it's about man-fashion. Yeah, I was a go-go dancer and all, but so what? If you want a blog about man-fashion, go to, whatever that is. Only Trans Buttah can spam. So please don't spam me unless you're cool.

Trans Buttah has new pictures of me! Check them out! I made it for my MySpace page! It's not too gooda quality here, but it's gonna be better on the MySpace! Peace...

Monday, May 15, 2006

"Wow! I Have a Lot of Boots!"

Today I added this thing on the navbar to the right that links to a page about me. Checkit owt! It tells you my origins! I'll be updating it every once in a while, so keep checking back!


Sunday, May 14, 2006

"The E3 Sickness!"

Hey guys! I'm sick! :-( Trans Buttah no feel gewd! He gotsda cold! :-(

DID ANY OF YOU SEE E3?!?! It was like so awesome! I actually got to go! I'll try to post pictures soon, okay guys? I promise : As soon as I get better! There were all these awesome games! They had "Spore", "Mario Galaxies", and "Zelda : Twilight Princess"! I can't wait to get a Wii! They changed the name of the Revolution to the Wii...Teeheehee...I want to Wii Wii!

Don't believe me!? Go to! Woot!

I gotta buy one as soon as it comes out! If I can scrape up enough money for one...I'm always buying Atari, Coleco, and Amiga games, so I gotta get a job...


Sorry I haven't been updatin' recently, guys. I was on my other computer, the one that's not Apple II. Oh, man, am I hungry! I want my baygels, kaizer! Who put the tiger in my latre'en?!?!

Aliens are watching us...Maybe. I hope they like dancing. Cuz I am a master-dancer! I used to be a go-go dancer, remember! Oh, yah! I was so hot! HOT HOT!

Peace. U stiinjks!

Friday, May 05, 2006

"Karma, Karma, Karma!!!"

Do you know what show I love? Of course you don't! One of my favorite shows is "My Name is Earl". I wish I could be just like him. He's just trying to be a better person. My name is Earl.

He goes around trying to fix everything he done wrong.

Earl's brother Randy on that show kinda reminds me of my friend Jasmire (or spelled Jazmire, if you want to be serious). Poop. That's all my friend J-Mire likes to talk about...Okay, maybe not...

Sorry I haven't been updating recently. I've been watching "Walker, Texas Ranger". I love that show! I wish Chuck Norris could round-house kick me to the face. Maybe some of his coolness would rub off onto me. I also like that other ranger-side kick, or something...What's his name??? Is it John??? I dunno...Anyway...I don't have to go...Umm...Watch...Chuck Norris...


Monday, May 01, 2006

"MySpace, Not Yours!"

Heh heh. I'm surprised! On the second day of my MySpace being up, I already have had a total of 5 friend requests! I only allowed 3, though. To all my MySpace homies out there, it is because something on your page scares me. "Friends" don't show me scary pictures, like of things, I dunno, of a breakdancing shark...Umm...Scratch that...That would be kewl...

Anyway, I want everyone to sign up to be my friend! Maybe I'll send you a foam finger!

I've also made some friend requests...They might be to...Umm...Chuck Norris, Mr. T, and Fred Marshall...

I tried the Count from Sesame Street, but it wouldn't let me sign up because I'm not a personal friend of the Count's.

Trans Buttah's song of whenever he feels like picking a new one:
"Danielle, Dottie, and Diane" by Secret Syde! WOOHOO! Checkit owt by going to my MySpace ( and selecting under friends, "Secret Syde". They have the song there.

Canst I receivith thou "Wootith Wootith"?
