Saturday, July 01, 2006

"Bold Italics are UGLY!"

OMG! I didn't know Boy George had a kids' show! Just so you know, he plays the one on the far left, I think he's purple? Yeah, with the big scary hair that looks like poo.

I didn't know Joe Peshci drove a bus now! Here's a better clip:

Let's get on a bus! It's on Disney Channel, so you know it's evil. It's called the "Scoodleboops" or something! They actually tour, I think.

Oh, wait, I lied. That's not Boy George, just another scary guy. Yeah, but that's Joe Peshci. Has to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I'd be more scared that the driver actually takes his hands off the steering wheel and is looking behind him nodding to the music and smiling insanely, when he's supposed to be driving a bus!