Monday, July 03, 2006

"Random Thoughts and Explanations - Part 1"

Welcome to the first post about random thoughts and explanations. Let us enter the weird zone.

  1. If Hasselhoff ages, yet still talks to his watch for KITT to come, wouldn't KITT be old, too, and not be able to talk back?
  2. KITT can't even talk.
  3. Oh, wait. I was wrong. KITT is a car with a voice.
  4. The Hoff is like Baywatch's Chuck Norris.
  5. If the Hoff and Chuck Norris fought in a fight, who would win?
  6. What if Elmo came in, too, and there were three contestants?
  7. What if it was a tag team match, and Hasselhoff's partner was KITT, Chuck's was a giant bear with a bottle of vodka, and Elmo's was the cookie monster?
  8. What if the cookie monster was slammed against the side of the ring by Hasselhoff, and a secret alliance was formed between him and the Texas Ranger, and Chuck round-house kicked cookie monster to the face until he started puking up all those cookies he ate along with his large intestine?
  9. What if Elmo secretly had a different tag-team partner, and it was the Noid.
  10. Why does the Noid always ruin peoples' pizza?
  11. What if Chuck Norris and Hasselhoff had a feud during killing the cookie monster, and then were fighting?
  12. What if the feud also consisted of Chrissy Snow from Three's Company?
  13. What if Elmo, Cookie Monster, KITT, the Bear, Walker, and Hasselhoff battled it out until they could take no more, and Chrissy was the winner?
  14. That would be weird.
  15. But then Don Knotts came out of nowhere!
  16. He forms an alliance with Chrissy.
  17. They win, because no one else can fight!
  18. And I have two more things for this segment, because each consists of twenty thoughts!
  19. I have nothing else to say.
  20. Oh, but I think I will tell you the secret of life.

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