Sunday, April 23, 2006

"You Wonder Why A-Ha Doesn't Come to America Anymore?"

Here's something I bet ya'll didn't know! I was in the A-Ha video for "Take On Me", but they cut me out because they thought I ruined it. They gave me a copy of the original, though, so here are some screen captures of me in action!

Here I am as one of the bikers!

I am here, too, but you can hardly see me!

They didn't think that this part was funny...
Here I am running towards Mr. Etch-A-Sketch!
Running from some other bikers who stole my three-wheeler!
They said they could put up with the other things, but what I did here was too much. I erased Morten Harket!
Good times...good times. Oh, I miss the days when I was in music videos. I'll see if I can find any of the other tapes I have.
Till then, Balooga!


Anonymous said...

Your sir, are an interesting fellow...

Now..Morten Harkett's animation looked almost exactly like him...does YOURS look exactly like you? Hm....

Anonymous said...

Your sir, are an interesting fellow...

Now..Morten Harkett's animation looked almost exactly like him...does YOURS look exactly like you? Hm....